Working with Nicolas

A user manual


  • Studied journalism and philosophy
  • Thought better of pursuing a PhD
  • Started career as a copywriter
  • Began solving more interesting problems than blog articles and web page content, so I called myself a UX writer
  • Tired of jumping from contract to contract so I pivoted into design
  • Fell in love with web development
  • Found myself working more and more with accessibility in both small agencies and large enterprises
  • Shifted from accessibility testing and design consulting to program management
  • Continue to consult with founders and teams on how to build products, services, and businesses


  • Enneagram: 5w4
  • Myers-Briggs: INTJ

Communication Style

  • Prefers asynchronous formats; reaches for synchronous, real-time meetings for particularly detailed or complex situations
  • Strives for well-ordered and structured communications
  • If there is no agenda, there is no meeting

Management Style

  • Primus inter pares, or ‘first amongst equals’
  • Flat teams: the manager plays a support role and renders a service to reports
  • Eliminate, automate, delegate
  • Measured, intentional actions are as valuable as well-defined problems
  • Documentation is a side effect, not a result
  • Writing is thinking
  • Proponent of The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Plain Text Teams (opens in new tab)

Learning Style

  • The Map and the Territory: Observes from 30,000 feet and circles down to lower elevations
  • Exponential: Medium-long incubation followed by mastery
  • Systems and Games: Everything affects everything

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